Farnley Tyas C of E First School, Part of the Green Hills First Federation


We recognise that in order to be successful in school, our children need support from both the home and school and we endeavour to work closely with you to achieve this. We thank you for ensuring that your children are in school each day on time and ready to learn with the correct equipment. We will always try our very best to communicate with you though the school websites and newsletters events happening in school which may require a change to any routine.

One of the changes we would like to share with you is a change to our Homework Policy. Across the Federation we have streamlined our expectations to make homework more enjoyable and manageable for children and parents. Homework for all year groups will focus on four key areas highlighted below.

Reading – books provided from school and by visiting a library
Learning spelling patterns/ phonics
Learning timetables / number facts
Taking part in online maths computer games which aid mental recall

We know that many of children take part in a range of activities outside school which we believe are beneficial to children’s development. The homework set by class teachers should be manageable around these other commitments. Occasionally a longer piece of research homework may be set, but plenty of time will be allocated to this.

The suggested time per week allocated to homework is set out below:
Reception : 30 minutes

Years 1 & 2 : 30 minutes – 1 hour

Years 3 & 4 : 1 hour – 1 hour 30 minutes

Year 5 : 1 hour – 2 hours

As a school we have purchased individual logins to TT Rockstars. This is to help children practise recall and sharpen speed and accuracy.  We recommend children, in Year 1 - 5, should log into TT Rockstars at a minimum of three times per week.  Should children loose their username and password, they can ask there class teacher for a reminder. 

Spellings are usually sent home on a weekly basis.  On some occasions additional individual spellings may be sent home by the teacher.  Here are plenty of ideas for practicing spellings.  Please feel free to download.

By scrolling further down on this page you can find additional help with supporting your child in reading. Please use the zoom bar at the top of the document to see the page more clearly.  There are also lots of great resources on the Scholastic Website.  Click here to visit -  comprehension support.

Spelling Aid

Reading Support