Farnley Tyas C of E First School, Part of the Green Hills First Federation

Physical Education (PE)

'Working together to be the best we can be'


Across the Green Hills First Federation, we have planned a high quality P.E. curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities.  We aim to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding so that they can perform with increasing confidence, resilience and competence in a range of physical activities within school and the wider community. Our curriculum educates pupils about their health and well-being and promotes active participation so that that they can live healthy and active lives, now and in the future. We encourage our pupils to ask questions about the world and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences.

We look for the awe and wonder in the world around us and celebrate our part in this. Through our Christian beliefs, we develop our spirituality through cooperating and collaborating with each other as part of an effective team and treating others fairly and equally. 


P.E. is taught as part of a half-termly topic, focusing on the knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum. It is taught on a rolling programme to ensure all key skills and knowledge are taught and revisited throughout both Key Stages.

Pupils participate in high quality PE lessons each week, covering two sporting disciplines every half term. In addition, children are encouraged to take part in daily physical activity opportunities in lessons and at playtimes and partake in a varied range of extra-curricular activities. In KS2, children take part in swimming lessons a swell as attend residential visits where they can join in with outdoor and adventurous activity challenges, individually and within a team.

Our PE curriculum is structured to be inclusive and motivating for all. We aim to provide a range of sports experiences during which every child participates to develop their skills and learning through competitive team and individual sports. This is further developed through the Shelley Pyramid Sport, in which children have further opportunities to attend competitive sporting events within the local area and develop teamwork and leadership skills. 


Children will be equipped with skills to develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities. 

Children will be physically active for sustained periods of time through competitive sport, active lessons and extra-curricular activities.

Through educating children about their health and well-being, children will be happier, healthier and lead more active lives.

To look through our PE Curriculum click here