Farnley Tyas C of E First School, Part of the Green Hills First Federation

Curriculum Statement


Statement of intent:

We have planned our curriculum to extend the children’s knowledge and understanding of the world they live in, to enable them to use their skills confidently and in a range of situations and enrich their lives by exposing them to a variety of first hand experiences and opportunities. We intend to create confident, resilient, independent learners, with a love of learning and with high aspirations for the future. We encourage our pupils to ask questions about the world and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences.

We look for the awe and wonder in the world around us and celebrate our part in this. Through our Christian or individual beliefs we develop our spirituality and opportunities for reflection.

We intend to develop respectful individuals who value keeping themselves healthy in mind and body and make positive contributions to their community.

Curriculum Cycles 

At Farnley Tyas First School the curriculum is planned on a two year cycle. 

Our classes are organised as follows and our curriculum is planned to meet the needs of mixed age groups:

Class 1 - Reception and Year 1

Class 2 - Years 2 and 3

Class 3 - Years 4 and 5

Our curriculum is designed to be engaging and relevant to the children in our school today.  It provides opportunities for independence, collaboration, creativity and exploration.

The long term plan maps out coverage of all curriculum subjects. You can see our long term plans by clicking on the class names above.