'Working together to be the best we can be'
Across the Green Hills Federation, we aim to encourage children to explore, celebrate and welcome different cultures and communities. We support this through the teaching of French as part of our MFL curriculum. By introducing and exposing our children to a new language, we will deepen their understanding of the world and spark a love of languages they can build on in their future learning journeys. Learning a language enriches the curriculum and helps to create enthusiastic learners who are curious about the ever-changing, multicultural world we live in. The natural links between languages and other areas of the curriculum can enhance children’s overall learning experience. Language lies at the heart of ideas about individual identity and community. Learning another language can do a great deal to shape children’s ideas in this area as well as giving them a new perspective on their own language. In our Federation, we believe that learning French in primary school, is a stepping stone to learning other languages more confidently at an older age. We therefore aim to give our children the best head start in a lifelong language journey.
Our curriculum is shaped by our school vision which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability or additional needs, to flourish and reach their full potential. Our MFL planning follows the objectives of the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. MFL is taught in KS2 and is delivered through a series of key topics. Within these topics, children learn new vocabulary, grammar, sentence structures and pronunciation as well as develop their understanding of French culture, celebrations and geography. These skills are taught through active and engaging lessons where teachers use songs, games and stories to spark a love of languages in our learners. Teachers encourage children to participate in a range of speaking activities to increase confidence as well as providing the building blocks to understanding French phonics and pronunciation of known and unknown words. We believe repetition is key and deliver on this through regular sessions, embedding key vocabulary and grammar in every session to encourage language retention. We encourage our children to be independent learners by including dictionary work and research in our lessons, giving them the tools follow their interests in the language beyond school. Through regular assessment for learning and a cohesive rolling long-term plan, we support a spiral curriculum where children build on what they have learnt in previous years.
Our children will have a solid head start in learning a Modern Foreign Language, we will spark a love of languages and a willingness in children to open themselves up to continue learning a foreign language in the next stage of their education.
Our children will be equipped with the tools and confidence to be able to communicate with others in French and feel motivated to learn more.
Our children will be able to respond to and understand key phrases and have a basic knowledge of French phonics and pronunciation.
They will have understanding of some key French celebrations and cultural aspects of French speaking countries, recognising and celebrating that these may be different from our own.